Who We Are


Who We Are ?

About Us

Our association Om SharavanaBhava Matham Gnana Shakthi Peedam Holland was founded by Sri Lankan, Indian and Dutch Hindus to profess their faith (Hinduism).
We started our activities on Tuesday 16th July 2019 with the blessing of our guru Sathguru Shree Sharavana Baba. Our association was officially founded on Friday 14 February 2020.

Our Temple

We are a non-profit organization of the Hindu community. We make it possible for everyone to come and pray

Visiting hours

Friday : 19:00 - 22:00


If you would like to make a donation, please see below. There you can easily pay via ideal

Do you want to make a donation?

Click here for a donation through IDEAL

The policy plan

The Association aims to


  • The establishment and maintenance of a Hindu temple and the holding of services in the prayer room.
  • Confession of faith (Hinduism) and guiding young people to grow up in Dutch society while preserving their own culture.
  • Increasing the participation rate and the degree of bonding of girls and women in society.
  • Bringing the elderly out of their isolation and giving them a respectable position in society.
  • Holding meetings

We will achieve this by:

  • Establishing and Maintaining a Hindu Temple
    Holding services in the prayer room.
  • Increasing the participation rate and the degree of bonding of girls and women in society.
  • Celebrating important festivals for the faith.
    Holding meetings.
  • Organizing activities, such as giving yoga classes.
    language lessons, dance lessons, etc.
  • Giving courses.
  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with (sister) organizations at home and abroad that pursue the same goal.
  • To preserve and stimulate the language, art and culture.
  • In addition to regular education, children who grow up in the Netherlands are educated in their own language, culture and religion.
  • All other lawful means that may serve the purpose.

The main points of the policy plan::

  • Find your own prayer room as soon as possible.
  • Expanding our weekly Thursday services to other days too
    Holding the annual general meeting of members.
  • Celebrating important festivals for the faith.
  • Organize multiple activities for young people, adults and the elderly.
  • Publishing the reports of the activities performed, balance sheet, a statement of income and expenditure with explanatory notes before June 1, 2021.


The association works with volunteers. The directors and members of the association carry out their activities as volunteers. The Association does not aim to make a profit.
In some cases, the travel costs are reimbursed.